Exceptionally lean and meaty raw bone. Excellent choice for your medium to large dog.
- Beef from Ontario
- Hormone- and antibiotic-free
- Recreational chew bone
- Ideal for removing plaque and tartar from teeth
- Excellent physical and mental exercise for your dog
- Portion size suitable for medium to large breeds
Keep raw bones frozen until ready to use. TIP: Offering frozen raw bones can help prevent greedy eaters from swallowing, and will extend chewing time for a more pleasant chewing experience.
To defrost, we recommend thawing in the refrigerator for at least 6 to 12 hours. Once defrosted, we recommend serving within 3 days. Not for human consumption.
Raw bones are a potential hazard for dogs and cats. Always supervise your pet when feeding it raw bones.
The ideal chewing technique should include the removal of meat, cartilage and tendons without completely consuming the bone. Forced chewing that leads to bone cracking can increase the risk of choking and tooth fracture. Once bare bone is visible, we suggest discarding it.