Dentler uses only AA and A grade naturally freshly fallen wood. Darker in color, they are unaffected by sun and weather. The absence of cracks and splits in these premium woods prevents premature chipping and breaking.
Antlers are deciduous bony prominences that grow every year on either side of the cervid skull. Growth takes place between May and August, and lasts around four months. They grow at an average rate of one centimetre per day. Each year, deer display their new antlers until February, when they naturally shed them until April, when a new growth cycle begins. This is the only mammalian organ capable of complete regeneration. The wood is then recovered from the forest, without any animal being mistreated.
This technology, unique to Dentler products, provides security against bacterial risks. This slightly bluish gas is a powerful antibacterial agent. Its penetrability, high reactivity and natural decomposition make ozone the ideal disinfectant for microbiological safety.
The ozone produced by the ozone generator is harmless to the environment and all-natural, yet very safe for your pet. Ozone treatment offers the best bacterial safety for antler chews on the market.
Caution! Be sure to supervise your pet when it's playing. Remove the object from the animal when it becomes too worn. Antlers are naturally very hard and can break your dog's teeth if chewed too aggressively or quickly. Not recommended for young puppies or dogs with weak teeth.