MAJESTIC: Standing tall and proud, Majestic the dapple-gray colt has a beautiful silhouette! The mottled coat of this exuberant colt is as soft as it is beautiful. High, white stockings and a shiny star on his forehead add to his beauty, while an upright, bold pose will invite creative play and hours of imaginative fun. Majestic's pale gray mane and tail can be brushed and groomed.
RUNNER: The rider's energetic personality is portrayed in an animated standing pose that invites imaginative play. Horse lovers of all ages will be charmed by his fluffy mane and tail and bright eyes. At the end of the day, when this frisky colt gets hungry, he'll return to the barn for a delicious dinner of grain and hay. Then, and only then, will this feisty Pinto pony stuffed animal let himself be caught!