Grober FoalGro milk replacer is formulated to be a complete milk replacement or a complement to mare's milk. FoalGro milk replacer closely matches the nutritional composition of mare's milk to meet the needs of the growing foal.
Mixing instructions
- Weigh out 125g/L powder
- Mix with 0.5 liters of warm water (60˚C) using a whisk, for 3 minutes
- Add 0.45 liters of cold water and mix again (total 1 liter)
- Feed milk replacement solution at body temperature (approx. 40˚C) (A thermometer and scale offer the best accuracy).
Feeding schedule
* See photo *
Tips for managing a foal (lack of milk or orphan)
- Place foals in a clean, dry place immediately after birth
- Offer colostrum immediately after birth
- Make sure the stall is draft-free, clean and warm
- Start giving milk replacer daily until weaning
- Frequent feedings of small quantities will reduce digestive problems
- Free water must be available at all times
- Monitor milk intake and weight regularly to confirm weight gain
- Serve milk replacer by bottle or bucket