Does your dog suffer from environmental or seasonal allergies, or does he suffer from itching, irritation and inflammation? Then you'll want to try our Wound + Hotspot Spray.
This non-contact spray for dogs offers highly effective skin and wound care, and is excellent for treating hard-to-reach areas. In fact, you'll find there's little resistance to your dog's cooling spray.
Aloe vera gel juice has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties that are widely known to relieve sunburn and heal wounds in humans. Fortunately, it works for your dog too, and can help fight inflammation and infection from scratches, cuts and insect bites.
Add a little witch hazel to relieve itching and redness, and you'll find your furry best friend ready for a long walk in the woods!
Aloe vera gel juice, Geogard ECT, lavender essential oil, turkey red castor oil, vitamin C, water, witch hazel.