The MB 13 does not rotate on the tongue, but rests solidly on the bars and lips of the horse's mouth. The port is relatively generous, measuring 1 ⅜" up inside and wider than most level 2-3 mouthpieces. The flat plate above the port measures 1 ⅝" high and ¾" wide, rolled back to conform to the palate instead of sitting When the reins are engaged, this mouthpiece pivots forward over the bars and lips, applying pressure to the palate. The pressure on the palate is distributed over the entire surface of the plate. The Sweet Iron mouthpiece oxidizes and promotes salivation.
- NO independent lateral movement
- NO curved mouthpiece
- Sweet Iron mouthpiece
- Copper inlay
The embossed Seven Shank is an indirect rein action (curb) designed for use with a curb strap that attaches to the purchase. This shank uses the combination of a fixed cheek and a fixed rein to apply pressure to the mouth, chin and nape of the neck. The cheekpiece is embossed with a decorative floral motif and concho. The mouthpiece attaches to the cheek with a square end that minimizes rein movement. The purchase is slightly angled away from the cheek to avoid rubbing.
Size: 8" overall
Action: Indirect
Discipline: Western
Degree of leverage: Moderate