The MB 32-3 is an innovative Myler alternative to the traditional Mullen. It has three barrels that transform the mouthpiece from the solid bar typical of a mullen into a flexible bar that allows the horse to raise its tongue and swallow more easily. When the reins are engaged, the mouthpiece becomes a solid bar like a traditional mullen, but with an exaggerated curve. This curved bar rotates through the bars and lips down onto the tongue, applying pressure across the entire surface of the tongue. The flexibility of the MB 32-3 makes it very forgiving and comforting when relaxed, but offers the pilot control when engaged. The soft iron mouthpiece oxidizes and promotes salivation.
- Independent lateral movement
- Soft iron mouthpiece
- Curved mouthpiece does not pinch lips and bars
- Copper inlay
The 15.2 cm stainless steel 3-ring combination bit is a hybrid of a ring bit, a shank bit and a hackamore, and uses five different pressure points to disperse rein pressure. Because the noseband and chin strap are connected at the time of purchase, when the reins are engaged, the horse first feels the pressure of the nose, chin and neck before feeling the mouthpiece. The mouthpiece can slide 1" before reaching a stop, where it will engage and apply pressure.
The aim is to give the horse a chance to respond to the rider's rein signals before applying pressure to the mouthpiece. The combination mouthpiece has an independent pivoting cheek and the purchase is angled slightly away from the cheek to avoid rubbing. The noseband is made of flat leather with cord knotted on each side, and the chin strap is synthetic to prevent stretching over time.
Action: indirect
Discipline: Classic or Western
Degree of leverage: The 3-ring combination bit offers three different rein positions: the big ring, the middle ring and the bottom ring.
- Big Ring = No leverage
- Middle ring = soft
- Lower ring = soft