How to prepare the clay:
External route: Take desired amount of clay in a NON-metallic dish, add water - usually 60-70% clay and about 30% water. Or choose the desired texture, stir with a wooden spatula to obtain a smooth paste (add more clay or water as needed).
Clay begins to work when it comes into contact with water. As long as it's in powder form, it's inert and versatile, with no additives.
For external use on all (small) animals 450gr
In powder form to stop bleeding in wounds, scratches, bites, claw clippings, beaks, wings, etc.
As a poultice: you choose the consistency, temperature and quantity required (less waste).
Uses: relieves pain from blows, strains and sprains, helps to reduce swelling. Protects skin from insect bites.
EMPLÂTRES OR CATAPLASMS (large animals) 2 kg
The difference between the two is that for a plaster, the clay is placed directly on the skin, whereas for a poultice, the clay is placed in a cloth (cheesecloth, flannel, cotton). If desired, but not essential, hold the poultice or plaster in place with a cotton bandage, wet paper towel or cabbage leaf.
For limbs, apply a support bandage.
Clay works as long as it is moist. Discard clay after use. Do not add another layer. Cellophane on clay: this method has the disadvantage of not allowing the skin to breathe, and of keeping the heat inside when you often want to cool it down. It is therefore no longer recommended. Risk of overheating - possible allergies.
On a wound: apply the plaster directly to the wound. Once dry, remove as much as possible with lukewarm water (ideally) and reapply plaster if necessary. Leave on for 2 hours or more, depending on your schedule, but for a maximum of 12 hours.
Replace the poultice 2 or more times a day as needed. Rinse with lukewarm water if possible. If there's still some left, it's not serious (a wound heals from the inside out), just add clay paste. No danger of infection. Clay is antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal.
No danger during lactation if the foal licks the clay off its mother.
Clay powder can also help to stop bleeding.