Ammonia remover and sanitizer for horse stalls and trailers Read more.
With its combination of plant extracts and minerals, SIROCCO™ has been designed specifically for the equine industry. This product has been developed to absorb harmful ammonia gases before your horse can be exposed to them. SIROCCO™ is a highly absorbent product that quickly removes moisture from bedding, aunging its lifespan. SIROCCO™ is a natural, organic product. SIROCCO™ is the natural solution for your horse's hygiene and well-being.
Appearance: powder
Color: light brown
Odor: fresh scent of essential oils
Seaweed extracts, mineral and plant absorbents, essential plant oils, trace elements and natural disinfectants.
As bedding humidity is constantly changing due to multiple conditions, the frequency of application of SIROCCO™ can vary from once a day to once every few days. SIROCCO™ disperses the absorbed moisture into the air and regains its absorbent properties until the saturation level is reached again. The life of the litter will be increased by two to three times.
SIROCCO™ can be sprinkled by hand, concentrating the product on the wettest areas of the box. For best results, be sure to cover the floor with a thin layer of SIROCCO™ to absorb residual moisture and inhibit residual ammonia. Add litter as usual. For best results, apply SIROCCO™ evenly under mattresses at least once a year.
Box (min): ________________________________ (1/2 - 1 cup) 110 - 220 g / day
Grooming areas (min): _________________ (1/2 - 1 cup) 110 - 220 g / day
Trailers (min) : __________________________ (1 - 2 cups) 220 - 440 g / day
If application is not possible on a daily basis, apply SIROCCO™ once a week to the wettest areas to achieve approximately 1-1.5 kg / stall. Use as needed.